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Ball Check Valves
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Specifically engineered to meet the needs of the Injection Molding Industry, EMI Ball Check Valves meet or exceed OEM specifications. Need help choosing the correct valve for your materials and application? Call us at: 216-535-4848 or E-mail us at: Sales@EMIcorp.com
Front Discharge
This check valve offers the best all-around precision shot control available.

Excellent choice for running non-shear-sensitive, general purpose materials. Low cost, removable ball check inserts can be interchanged for various compressions and recovery rates. Year after year, molders have preferred EMI's ball check valve because of its dependability and consistency.
Standard: 4150 pre-treated steel. Optional: 440C stainless steel or CPM® 9V® tool steel. Inserts available in S-7 tool steel.
Hi Flow
Ideal for high speed molding of general purpose materials which normally require a ring valve.

EMI Hi-Flow ball check valves feature extra large inlets and flow paths to dramatically increase melt flow while cutting compression ratios down to 1.5:1. Recovery times are cut without sacrificing precision shot control. Included: Includes EMI's exclusive, low cost, removable ball check insert which is interchangeable for various compressions and recovery rates.
Standard: 4150 pre-treated steel. Optional: 440C stainless steel or CPM® 9V® tool steel. Inserts available in S-7 tool steel.
Side Discharge
The most reliable and highest quality four-piece valve available.

This ball check valve gives you excellent shot control, enhanced mixing action, is self-cleaning and purges rapidly via a washing action between the nose cone and end cap, making it ideal for fast color changes. Replaceable, low-cost ball and ball seat minimize maintenance costs and downtime. Hand seated interfaces ensure a tight seal. This is an ideal valve for general purpose, non-shear-sensitive materials where frequent color changes must be made.
Standard: 4150 Pre-treated steel. Optional: 440C stainless steel or CPM® 9V® tool steel.
Replacement Inserts
Available in four styles to suit specific application needs.

The special fluted design of EMI's new FCI (Fluted Check Insert) stays centered and hits the hole square in situations where the ball in a standard insert may hit one side of the hole before seating inside the insert causing uneven wear and a poor seal. Our standard FCI is constructed from S-7 Tool Steel to provide maximum durability--one customer indicates the original S-7 FCI has been installed for more than a year with no wear inside the insert shell and just a minor indicator ring on the FCI itself.
Our customers have consistently reported decreased recovery times versus a standard ball insert. Also, the pack out of the part is more consistent than before, with no loss of cushion.
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