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EMI's New 3D Printing Option

EMI's Form 2 delivers high-resolution parts for EOAT Applications

EMI's SLA 3D printer

Since 2013, EMI’s engineers have been utilizing Additive Manufacturing (AM) in robotic handling applications for the automotive, medical, consumer good and plastic injection molding industry. EMI is striving to test and add new materials as they become available.

Contact us! Our engineers are experts in the field and will discuss our different methods so we can develop the best, most cost-effective solution for your application.

How EMI is using the SLA printer:

  • We are developing the SLA printing method to solve light wight and high accuracy applications.
  • We see opportunities for high precision alignment nests, 2-piece fingers, and complicated vacuum manifolds.
  • SLA is known to be of a significantly higher quality print than our other methods, so this helps with very small and intricate printed parts.

Visit our 3D Printing page for more information on the many material properties for 3D printing we offer.


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